On the (Im)Possible Futures of Cities and Agricultural Sites

April 16 2018, h. 9-13

Via Festa del Perdono 7, Aula Crociera (Giurisprudenza)



Fabio Bacchini and Nicola Piras (University of Sassari/Alghero)

Luca Bonardi, Giorgio Masellis, and Emiliano Tolusso (University of Milan) 

Andrea Borghini (University of Milan) 


9.00-10.00: Fabio Bacchini and Nicola Piras (University of Sassari/Alghero) – “Can We Move Paris to Texas? On the Metaphysics of Persistence and Context-Dependency” | comments by: Donatella Donati (University of L’Aquila)

Different kinds of things persist differently across time and space. This talk explores what is necessary and sufficient for a numerical identity among cities – and architectural entities like buildings and cathedrals – existing at different times to hold. We advance a view according to which they have among their essential properties the extrinsic property of being surrounded by a specific outer context. We focus in particular on the commonly perceived vulnerability of cities and architectural entities to imaginary relocation. Since cities and architectural entities turn out to be essentially relational and context-dependent items, they may be relocated just in case their context is relocated as well.

10.05-11.05: Andrea Borghini (University of Milan) – “A Recipe’s Life: Food Identities Across Space and Time” | comments by: Patrik Engish (University of Fribourg)

The paper discusses the identity of recipes across time and space, with a particular regard for so-called Geographical Indications (GIs). Current legislation fixing the concept of a GI can hardly accommodate the prospects of relocation, or major changes in the produces and methods of production. After illustrating the shortcoming of current legislation, the paper suggests a possible avenue for rethinking the conception of GIs, which draws on models of labeling based on panels of experts (e.g. Traditional Specialty Guaranteed).

11.05-11.30: Break

11.30-12.30: Luca Bonardi, Giorgio Masellis, and Emiliano Tolusso (University of Milan) – “Vino e cultura del vino al tempo dei cambiamenti climatici” | comments by: Cristina Amoretti (University of Genova)

Nel 2000, l’Unione Europea, riconoscendo la Danimarca tra i paesi produttori di vino, ha ufficializzato la spinta della coltivazione della vite oltre i suoi tradizionali limiti latitudinali. Da allora, la colonizzazione del Grande Nord da parte di vitis vinifera è continuata senza sosta. La ridefinizione delle geografie del vino che tale processo sta comportando, riguarda esclusivamente il cambiamento climatico o implica anche un diffuso fenomeno culturale? Per rispondere a tale domanda l’intervento esplora le nuove spazialità della viticoltura, principalmente europea, indagandone le caratteristiche precipue anche alla luce delle differenze tra paesi di vecchia e nuova propensione al consumo di vino.

12.30-13.00: Open remarks 

General discussants: Davide Bordini, Andrea Bottani, Marcello Frixione, Samuele Iaquinto, Kristina Pucko, Giuliano Torrengo, Nick Young 

Organization: The Center for Philosophy of Time. Questions shall be addressed to Prof. Andrea Borghini (andrea.borghini@unimi.it).

16 April – “On the (Im)Possible Futures of Cities and Agricultural Sites”