Time and Experience
A short class for PhD. Students


Teacher: Nick Young (nickyoung1@gmail.com)

Dates: 3rd – 7th December

Times: 14.00 – 16.00

Location: University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono, 7, I-20122 Milano, Italy

Course Description

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest amongst philosophers and psychologists both in how temporally extended experience should be understood. There are good reasons for such a focus. If the nature of conscious perception is to be understood, temporality certainly cannot be ignored: we not only experience the world in timewhat is perceived differs from moment to moment–but also, at least apparently, have experiences of time, in that we see leaves fall or traffic lights change, and feel the present as constantly slipping into the past.

The objective of this course is to provide students with a thorough grounding in contemporary debates on time and experience. Areas of focus will include: how the experience of time as passing should be characterised, what it is to perceive change and movement, whether such properties can be depicted, and the temporal structure of non–visual perceptual modalities.

For more information please contact Nick Young (nickyoung1@gmail.com).

3-7 Dec 2018: N. Young (Milan) – “Time and Experience: A short class for PhD. Students”