A joint event CPT and Doctoral School in Philosophy and the Human Sciences, University of Milan

The Foundations of Time

28th January 2020
Sala “Enzo Paci”, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan


Claudio Calosi (Geneve) & Samuele Iaquinto (CPT, Milan)

Matthew Soteriou (KCL)

Jonathan Tallant (Nottingham)

Jessica Wilson (Toronto)


Davide Bordini (Liège)

Florian Fisher (Siegen)

Giuseppe Spolaore (Padova)


09:50 – 10:00 Andrea Pinotti (Milan, Coordinator of the Doctoral School) — Opening Remarks

10.00 – 11.15 Claudio Calosi (Geneve) & Samuele Iaquinto  (CPT, Milan) — “Quantum Fragmentalism”

11.15 – 11.30 Break

11.30 – 12.45 Jessica Wilson (Toronto)  — “On the Notion of Diachronic Emergence”

12.45 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 15.45 Matthew Soteriou (KCL)  —15.45 – 16.00 Break

16.00 – 17.15 Jonathan Tallant (Nottingham)  — “Causation without Time?”

Organisers:  Clotilde Calabi, Andrea Borghini,
Andrea Guardo, Giuliano Torrengo and Nick Young.

Organisation: Centre for Philosophy of Time

For more information contact nickyoung1@gmail.com

28 January – Workshop “The Foundations of Time”