23 June: Friederike Moltmann (CNRS) — “Actions and their Products” Sala Enzo Paci, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 15:00-17:00 Abstract: In this talk, I will argue for an ontological distinction between illocutionary and cognitive actions and their nonenduring products, such
17 May – Ned Markosian (Massachusetts, Amherst) — “The Dynamic Theory of Time and Time Travel to the Past”
17 May: Ned Markosian (Massachusetts, Amherst) — “The Dynamic Theory of Time and Time Travel to the Past” Sala Enzo Paci, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 16.30-18.30. Abstract: I argue that time travel to the past is impossible, given a certain metaphysical
5 May – Gottfried Vosgerau (Düsseldorf) — “The Dynamic Nature of Experience”
5 May: Gottfried Vosgerau (Düsseldorf) — “The Dynamic Nature of Experience” Sala Enzo Paci, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 15.00-17.00. Abstract: I will argue that all properties we perceive are dynamic in nature, since we perceive them while interacting with the
22 April – Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU, Budapest) – “Resolving Apparent and Theoretical Puzzles in Reflections on Time”
22 April: Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU, Budapest) – “Resolving Apparent and Theoretical Puzzles in Reflections on Time” Sala Enzo Paci, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 15.00-17.00. Abstract: In our reflections about time and becoming (=things happen), we have often stumbled across puzzles that
22 March – Alessandro Torza (UNAM) – “Ideology in a Desert Landscape”
22 March: Alessandro Torza (UNAM) – “Ideology in a Desert Landscape” Sala Seminari, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 11.00-13.00. Abstract: The fascination for desert landscapes has been a recurring theme in contemporary ontology and metaphysics. In his Writing the Book of the World,
18 March – Ulrich Meyer (Colgate) – “The Arrested Spotlight”

18 March: Ulrich Meyer (Colgate University) – “The Arrested Spotlight” Sala Seminari, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 15.00-17.00. Abstract: This paper argues that the moving spotlight view of the passage of time runs afoul of the principle that the present