Why do philosophers care about time travel? Giuliano torrengo
Giuliano Torrengo – Why do philosophers care about time travel?

Why do philosophers care about time travel? Giuliano torrengo
Can The Future Haunt Us? Daina Habdankaitė,
The Time Of Clocks And The Time We Live Tina Rock,
Could Time Be An Illusion? Robin le Poidevin, Leeds
In the Future There Will Be No More Time W. J. Mander, Oxford
Bergson on the Time of Memory Keith Ansell-Pearson, University of Warwick
The Mystery of Change Daniel Deasy (University College Dublin)
Photo by Dhruv Deshmukh on Unsplash Time Alone Benjamin Woodard
Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash There’s No Time like the Present David Ingram University of York Centre for Philosophy of Time, University of Milan
What is the Specious Present? Jack Shardlow