Daniele Cassaghi (PhD, 2020, University of Milan) is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turin and is currently involved in the FIS/ATMOS project led by Prof. Elvira Di Bona. His main field of research focuses on temporal perception, explored in two key aspects: the perception of changes occurring over time and the perception of time’s passage itself.
In addition to his work on temporal perception, Cassaghi has also published on affective states, specifically moods, and dedicated his MA dissertation to mental contents. In 2019, he was a visiting PhD student at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Prof. Christoph Hoerl, and in 2014, he was a visiting student at King’s College London. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Philosophy of Time and part of the TIME-Frame project in Milan, led by his doctoral supervisor, prof. Giuliano Torrengo.