David Ingram
Senior Member
I’m a Senior Lecturer (≈ Associate Professor) in the Department of Philosophy at the University of York, UK. Before moving to York, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Philosophy of Time at the University of Milan. Primarily, my research concerns metaphysics and the philosophy of time. In the past few years, I’ve been thinking about the relationship between my preferred theory of time, Presentism – roughly, the view that ‘only present entities exist’ – and theories about what truth is and what propositions are. I’m sympathetic to the view that what’s true substantively depends on the world, and I think that propositions are a certain kind of structured entity. But that gets me into all sorts of trouble when defending Presentism. I’ve developed a novel version of Presentism, ‘Thisness Presentism’, which I think solves some important problems facing standard versions of Presentism. (For more on this view, see Thisness Presentism, 2019.) In general, I’m interested in the metaphysics of x for all values of x.
Recent Publications
Forthcoming. “Presentism and Eternalism” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Time, ed. Nina Emery, Routledge
2023. “Presentism: Past and Future” (with J. Tallant) in Time & Science, Vol. 1, eds. Lestienne & Harris, World Scientific Publishing
2021. “The Rotten Core of Presentism” (with J. Tallant), Synthese, vol. 199
2020. “A Defence of Lucretian Presentism” (with J. Tallant), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 98
2020. “Presentism and the Spans of Time” (with J. Tallant), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 101
2019. Thisness Presentism: An Essay on Time, Truth, and Ontology, Routledge