Senior Member

ElisaPaganiniI am professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Milan.
I wrote my undergraduate thesis on Arthur Prior’s temporal logic and my doctoral thesis on McTaggart’s paradox. Since my PhD, my interest in time has been joined and largely superseded by my concern with vagueness and fiction, which is now my main research topic. I am still fascinated by time and sometimes work on it, encouraged by my colleagues at the Centre for Philosophy of Time..

Recent Publications

“Aesthetic value of immoral fictions”, Croatian Journal of Philosophy (2024) 24.70, pp. 53-63

“Was there time before the Big Bang? Philosophical enquiries”, Journal of Physics. Conference Series2877:1 (2024 Nov). – ISSN 1742-6588. – [doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2877/1/012058] 

“Self-Transforming Powers. Metaphysics” (2024), 7(1), pp. 99–115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/met.143
