Senior Member

iaquinto​I’m a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science in the Department of Humanities at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli, Italy. My research focuses on metaphysics, especially non-standard tense realism, and philosophical logic, with an emphasis on modal logic.

For more info: Personal website, PhilPeople, AMAMI, CONNECT.

Selected Papers

Forth. “Fragmentalism: Putting All the Pieces Together”, with C. Calosi and R. Loss, Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Forth. “Time and Modality”, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Time, ed. N. Emery, Routledge

2024 “Fragmenting Modal Logic”, with C. De Florio and A. Frigerio, Inquiry, online

2023 “Taste Fragmentalism”, with G. Spolaore and G. Torrengo, Erkenntnis, online

2023 “Postsemantic Peirceanism”, with A. Iacona, American Philosophical Quarterly 60: 249-256

2022 “A Philosophically Neutral Semantics for Perception Sentences”, with G. Spolaore, Theoria 88: 532-544

2022 “Materiality, Parthood, and Possibility”, with G. Torrengo, Erkenntnis 87: 1125-1131

2021 “Credible Futures”, with A. Iacona, Synthese 199: 10953-10968

2021 “Is the World a Heap of Quantum Fragments?”, with C. Calosi, Philosophical Studies 178: 2009-2019

2020 “Tempo [Time]”, Enciclopedia Italiana di Lettere, Scienze e Arti, X Appendice, Treccani: 615-619

2020 “The Invisible Thin Red Line”, with G. Torrengo, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101: 354-382

2020 “Modal Fragmentalism”, The Philosophical Quarterly 70: 570-587

2019 “Fragmentalist Presentist Perdurantism”, Philosophia 47: 693-703

2019 “Outline of a Logic of Knowledge of Acquaintance”, with G. Spolaore, Analysis 79: 52-61

2019 “Flow Fragmentalism”, with G. Torrengo, Theoria 85: 185-201


2022 Fragmenting Reality: An Essay on Passage, Causality and Time Travel, with G. Torrengo, Bloomsbury

2018 Filosofia del Futuro [Philosophy of the Future], with G. Torrengo, Raffaello Cortina (Click here for the public reaction to the book)

2016 Introduzione alle Logiche Modali [An Introduction to Modal Logic], with M. Frixione and M. Vignolo, Laterza
