The Natures of Time
February 10th 2025
Dep. of Philosophy, University of Milan, Aula 420
13:30-14:45 Tina Röck (Dundee) — TBA
15:00-16:15 Francesco Orilia (Macerata) — A Dialogue on Presentism, Eternalism and Desirability
16:30-17:45 Niki Young (Malta) — Time and Time Again: Revisiting the Issue of Temporality in OOO
18:00-19:15 Jonathan Tallant (Nottingham) — Cross time relations in a dynamic world
Francesco Orilia (Macerata)
A Dialogue on Presentism, Eternalism and Desirability
According to presentism, only what is present exists. According to eternalism, all past, present and future things exist. Hence, in presentism, although there was pain, past pain does not exist. In contrast, in eternalism, it is not only the case that there was pain; past pain exists. Moreover, given presentism, the future is open, whereas, given eternalism, the future is fixed. Thus, there is a sense in which, in deliberating situations, the presentist can feel like a free agent who could have done otherwise, whereas the eternalist cannot. And a deliberating agent is indeed free, if presentism is true, in a sense in which she is not, if eternalism is rather true. The intrinsic obnoxiousness of pain, and the recognition of a positive value for this sort of freedom, or at least a sense thereof, may lead to arguments to the effect that presentism is morally or existentially more desirable that eternalism. A dialogue between a presentist who puts forward such lines and an eternalist who tries and resist them is here construed.
Niki Young (Malta)
Time and Time Again: Revisiting the Issue of Temporality in OOO
Graham Harman’s specific version of Object-Oriented Ontology has sometimes been criticized for allegedly denying the reality of time and gradual change. In this talk, I provide a counter-argument to such critiques by offering a revaluation of Harman’s own model of time. More specifically, I seek to show that his philosophy in fact allows for an implicit object-oriented model of real time where the real object is itself caught up between its past connections and future possibilities.
The Dynamics of Change
A joint event DFG-Network »Change and Change-Makers« and CPT, Dep. of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, University of Milan
18-19 March 2024
Sala Napoleonica, Sala Napoleonica of the Università Degli Studi di Milano, Via Sant’Antonio, 12, Milano
Monday, March, 18
10:30-10:45 Florian Fischer & Giuliano Torrengo: Introduction
10:45-11:45 John Pemberton (Durham): Changing
12:00-13:00 Sonja Deppe (Erlangen): tba
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:30 Florian Fischer (Siegen): The Dynamic Foundation of the World
15:45-16:45 Martin A. Lipman (Leiden): tba
17:00-18:00 Giuliano Torrengo (Milano): What is it for Time to Pass?
19:30 Dinner
Tuesday, March, 19
11:00-12:00 Alison Fernandes (Dublin): Two Projects on the Direction of Time
12:15-13:15 Vincent Grandjean (Oxford): Diachronic Indeterminacy
13:15-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:30 Cristian Mariani (Lugano): tba
15:45-16:45 Federico Viglione (Barcelona): tba
17:00-18:00 Tim Maudlin (New York): Fundamental Dynamics for Quantum Theory: How to Get Wave Equations
Drinks & Cocktail Metaphysics in Practice
Organiser: Florian Fischer, Vivien Grabowski, Giuliano Torrengo
For more information: https://ccm.uni-siegen.de/dynamics-of-change/
The Dynamic World
Aula 402, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan
25 and 26 May 2023
David Ingram (York) and Jonathan Tallant (Nottingham)
Daniel Deasy (University College Dublin)
Catharine Diehl (Leiden)
Donatella Donati (L’Aquila) and Simone Gozzano (L’Aquila)
Yazan Freij (Milan)
Lisa Leininger (HWS)
Giuliano Torrengo (Milan, UAB) and Samuele Iaquinto (University of Western Piedmont)
General commentators: Elisa Paganini (Milan), Cristian Mariani (USI, Lugano), Giuseppe Spolaore (Padova), Emanuele Tullio (CEU, Vienna), Alessandro Zucchi (Milano)
Organisers: Giuliano Torrengo and Dave Ingram
The Foundations of Time
A joint event CPT – Doctoral School in Philosophy and the Human Sciences, University of Milan
January 28, 2020
Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Claudio Calosi & Samuele Iaquinto
Matthew Soteriou
Jonathan Tallant
Jessica Wilson
Davide Bordini
Florian Fisher
Giuseppe Spolaore
Organisers: Clotilde Calabi, Andrea Borghini, Andrea Guardo, Giuliano Torrengo and Nick Young
International Symposium
‘Thinking In and About Time: A Dual Systems Perspective on Temporal Cognition’
April 11-12, 2019
Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Teresa McCormack
Christoph Hoerl
Ted Hunt
Julian Bacharach
Simon Brown
Gerardo Viera
Nathalia de Ávila
Daniele Cassaghi
Organisation: Centre for Philosophy of Time and NeurophilosophyLab, University of Milan
CUNY-Milan Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop in Philosophy
March 28-29, 2019
University of Milan
CUNY-Milan annual interdisciplinary workshop in Philosophy, a joint initiative of both institutions’ philosophy departments, and, more precisely, CUNY Graduate Center and Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences, University of Milan is aimed at promoting advanced studies at the crossroad between philosophy and interrelated disciplines. Last year workshop took place in NYC at CUNY Graduate Center with the topic of Belief. This years’ workshop, second in a series of annual events, will focus on Tense and is taking place in Milan. The organizers are committed to maintain the interdisciplinary character of the workshop.
This year keynote speakers will be:
University of Milan: Alessandro Zucchi and Giuseppe Spolaore (linguistics), Daniel Dohrn (philosophy of language and metaphysics) and Corrado Sinigaglia (cognitive neuroscience).
CUNY Graduate Center: Graham Priest (logic and language), Catherine Wilson (history of philosophy) and David Papineau (philosophy of mind).
Organizing Committee:
Milan – Daria Vitasovic, Victor Carranza, Sava Ristić, Luca Marchetti.
CUNY Graduate Center – Vincent A. Peluce, Yale Weiss, Jennifer McDonald, Liam Ryan (Saul Kripke Center).
Everyone is welcome, but please do register for the workshop since places are limited.
E-mail for registration: daria dot vitasovic at unimi dot it.
Funding: Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences.
Society for the Metaphysics of Science
5th Annual Conference
November 7-9, 2019
University of Toronto
The Society for the Metaphysics of Science (SMS) will be holding its fifth annual conference on November 7-9, 2019 at the University of Toronto.
Our keynote speaker will be Katherine Brading (Duke University).
In addition, Max Kistler (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) will deliver a presidential address.
All other sessions will comprise submitted papers.
As well as various presentations, the conference will also feature an organizational meeting of the Society which will elect officers, continue to make various policies, plan future conferences, etc. Both those interested in presenting papers and/or participating in the Society are invited to the conference.
At the conference, presentations will be 30 minutes, with a 10 minute commentary, 5 minute reply, and 15 minute Q&A. Submissions should be on a topic in the metaphysics of science broadly construed, of no more than 4,500 words, and should include an abstract of ~150 words and a word count. All papers must employ gender-neutral language and be prepared for blind review.
At most one contributed paper on which you are the presenting author can be submitted. No one will be permitted to present more than once at SMS 2019. A scholar may appear as co-author on more than one paper or symposium talk, but may present at SMS 2019 only once.
Submissions must be made using the EasyChair online submission system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sms5
The submission deadline is 1 June 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be delivered by 1 August 2019. Selected speakers should confirm their participation before 5 September 2019.
Early registration fees (before 10 October 2019):
Faculty: $75
Post-doc: $50
Students and Emeritus faculty: $10
Late registration fees (after 10 October 2019):
Faculty: $125
Post-doc: $75
Students and Emeritus faculty: $15
The Society would like to thank Victoria College and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto for support.
Program Committee:
Giuliano Torrengo (Milan), Chair
Elena Casetta (Torino)
Natalja Deng (Seoul)
Lucas Dunlap (Cincinnati)
Elselijn Kingma (Southampton)
Francesco Guala (Milan)
Marco Nathan (Denver)
Jonathan Schaffer (Rutgers)
Alex Skiles (MIT)
Tzuchien Tho (Bristol)
Neil E. Williams (Buffalo)
Local Arrangements Co-chairs:
Jessica Wilson (Toronto)
Michael Miller (Toronto)
Assistant to the co-chairs: Marissa Bennett (Toronto)
More info at: https://sites.google.com/site/socmetsci/2019-sms-conference
Sixth IAPT Meeting
June 24-26, 2019
Boulder, Colorado, USA
The International Association for Philosophy of Time is pleased to announce its 6th annual conference. It will be hosted by the Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Colorado, in Boulder, Colorado (USA), from 24th-26th June, 2019 (arrival Sunday 23rd, departure Thursday 27th). The local organizer is Heather Demarest and the program committee is chaired by David Ingram. More information available here.
Past, Present & Future
April 8, 2019
, Università di Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’
Dipartimento di Scienze Pure e Applicate
Palazzo Albani, Via Timoteo Viti 10, 61029,
Urbino, Italy
Claudio Calosi
Damiano Costa
Donatella Donati
Samuele Iaquinto
Giuliano Torrengo
Organisers: Alberto Corti, Vincenzo Fano, Pierluigi Graziani, and Gino Tarozzi